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Wellness RSS

Anxiety, Dietitian, Exercise, Gratitude, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivation, Positivity, Process, Self Care, Stress, Weight Loss, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

I’m already a big fan of anything that involves a fur baby, but I’m a HUGE fan of dog walking! (I mean… the fact I’m writing a blog about dogs means you can probably guess the kind of dog mom I am.)

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Arthritis, Chronic Migraines, Chronic Pain, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Lifestyle, Pain Relief, Supplements, Wellness, Women's Health -

We’ve all been there before. 

We take a few ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc. in hopes of getting rid of those stubborn aches and pains. It helps for a short period of time, but provides no long term relief. After a while you might have caught yourself watching the clock every 4-6 hours so that you can take a few more for some relief. 

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