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Client Success Story: Blood Pressure Down & Physique Up

Body Transformation, Client Success, Depression, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, Mindset, Motivation, Process, Weight Loss -

Client Success Story: Blood Pressure Down & Physique Up

Keep your head down and move forward till “someday” becomes “today”!

Congrats Dan Wingate! Dropped his blood pressure meds in half, no more fatigue, and the aesthetic results are phenomenal. All this work in about 3 months!

Danny had some tragedies occur that would make many of us give up. When you become depressed you begin to recede from social engagement, eat more food, engage in many unhealthy lifestyle choices, and then the mounting burden of poor health looks like an unbeatable mountain and it’s at that point you have a choice.

But he chose not to give up and take the first step forward, one day at a time, and hasn't looked back. He doesn't allow any excuses and does not give himself a way out no matter how hard, how convenient, or how understandable that excuse may be.

Great work brother, proud of you!

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