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Body Transformation, Bodybuilding, Client Success, Competition, NPC -

Braunson Bates NPC West Virginia Championships!

Believe it or not this is his first show.

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Body Transformation, Client Success, Competition, Digestive Issues, Gut, Gut Health, Healing, Prep, SIBO, Stress, Women, Women's Health -

Could you imagine what happens when you combine: high stress hormone, constant over training, high amounts of fake sugars, chronic dieting / a caloric deficit for long periods of time, with binging or no post comp refeed?  Add some pain relievers and antibiotics, and you’ve got the perfect environment for SIBO. This stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which is also known as “commensal bacterial overgrowth.”

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Body Transformation, Bodybuilding, Client Success, Competition, Digestion, Digestive Issues, Gut, Gut Health, Healing, Health, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, IBD, IBS, Metabolic Resistance, Motivation, Positivity, Prep, Weightlifting, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

It’s been a long journey with a happy ending. Bri gets to slip into a wedding dress in just a few days, free of her old life filled with symptoms that could fill out an entire page!

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