4 Fat-Soluble Vitamins You Need in Your Diet!
by Caroline O'Connor, Registered Nutritionist
Fat soluble vitamins are present in fatty foods and like their name suggests, they dissolve in fats and are stored in body tissues for use when needed. Here’s what you need to know about Vitamins A, D, E and K!
Vitamin A is a group of fat-soluble compounds known as retinoids. It plays a key role in maintaining your vision, strengthening your endothelial linings, supporting your immune system and reducing gut inflammation. Animal food sources are going to have the most concentrated forms of vitamin A, as well as the most bioavailable forms (most easy for your body to absorb and utilize).
Find this nutrient in: liver, fish liver oil, butter, egg yolk, and red/yellow/orange vegetables.
Vitamin D is in your diet in 2 forms: vitamin D2 (plants) and vitamin D3 (animal sources). Vitamin D3 is also produced by our skin when exposed to UV light. Vitamin D is important for bone growth and maintenance and immune system regulation.
Find this nutrient in: fish liver oil, some mushrooms, salmon, egg yolks, fatty meat, fortified dairy products.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights against free radical damage. Alpha – tocopherol is the most common form of Vitamin E. Its properties are enhanced by other nutrients like Vitamin C, vitamin B3, and selenium. Vitamin E also provides a variety of cardiovascular benefits like improved circulation, reduction in blood pressure, blood thinning effects and reduction in LDL cholesterol.
Find this nutrient in: nuts & seeds, avocadoes, fatty fish, fish liver oil
Vitamin K also comes in two forms: vitamin K1 (plants) and vitamin K2 (animal sources and fermented soy products). It plays an important role in blood clotting, supporting bone health, reducing the calcification of blood vessels and potentially reducing heart disease risk. Unlike other fat soluble vitamins, vitamin K isn’t stored in the body in large amounts. Those who struggle with digesting and absorbing fat are at a much greater risk of deficiency.
Find K1 in leafy greens, brussels sprouts. Find K2 in high fat animal sourced foods like egg yolks, butter, liver and fermented soy foods like natto.
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