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Client Success, Cycle, Diet Tips, Healing, Lifestyle, Motivation, Self Appreciation, Self Care, Supplements, Vitamins, Wellness -

Are you confused by all the supplement information out there? It seems like there is a new “magic” pill or powder on the market every day, and it can be confusing to know which ones are essential, and which ones are just hype. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 

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Cycle, Dietitian, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Period Health, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

Got questions about cycle duration, tracking apps, books, and anything else period-related? Find some answers here!

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Amenorrhea, Client Success, Cycle, Period Health, Women, Women's Health -

After ovulation, (where the egg was released from the follicle), the follicle now collapses on itself creating the “corpus luteum” and remains in the ovarian wall and starts releasing PROGESTERONE. Learn more here!

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Client Success, Cycle, Diet, Diet Tips, Exercise, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Mental Health, Mindset, Motivation, Positivity, Prep, Process, Self Care, Self Love, Weight Loss, Wellness, Women's Health -

If you are like most hygienic people, brushing your teeth has become embedded in your morning routine.  It’s not even much of a decision anymore, it’s something that you do without thinking. In fact, according to Wendy Wood, 45% of our decisions that we make every day aren’t actually decisions at all-- they are habits.

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Cycle, Dietitian, Health, Health Tips, Hormones, Lifestyle, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

⚡️The GOAL of a healthy menstrual cycle is not the “PERIOD”, it’s actually OVULATION ⚡️ !!!

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