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Body Transformation, Bodybuilding, Competition, Cycle, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Healthy Weight, Hormones, Period Health, Weightlifting, Wellness, Women, Women's Health -

Most competitive females will do whatever it takes to sculpt and build their dream body. This includes extreme dieting, training, cardio sessions, stimulants and additional performance enhancements.

There are many tools in the toolbox. But when it comes down to the final product, when you get that “summer leanness” or “stage leanness”, how do you help the hormones rebalance and return to homeostasis?

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Bodybuilding, Client Success, Competition, Health, Health Tips, NPC, Weightlifting, Wellness -

I know you are already planning out your post show meals and after stage treats. Cookies, pizza, fats and carbs galore! I’ve been there too. I’ve even packed my own treats. But have you figured out a post show plan so you don’t go off the rails, risk putting on all the weight, and more importantly, the body fat you have worked so hard to burn off?

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