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Client Success, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, MTFHR, Supplements, Wellness, Women's Health -

While some of us can convert folic acid easily, there are some people who have a harder time with this. You may be supplementing with folic acid, but this doesn’t mean you are not deficient in B9. Well how does that work? If your ability to convert it to a usable form is impaired, then THAT’S how! This is estimated to affect 40-60% of the population, so keep that in mind. 

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Chronic Pain, Healing, Health, Health Tips, Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Hormones, Lifestyle, Mental Health, MTFHR, Wellness, Women's Health -

Are there days that are heavier for you than others? Depression sets in, anxiety spikes. Maybe your symptoms are a bit more intense than this. Cardiovascular issues, abnormal blood clotting, seizures, numbness in your extremities? Maybe you’re just not feeling quite right but all of the doctors you have spoken to tell you that your labs are normal and to exercise more and get better rest. Surprise! You’re not alone. 

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