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Is it time to reset your insulin sensitivity?

Did you know that people who over stress, over train or use fasting or caloric restriction irresponsibility can have the same insulin and glucose imbalances as someone who is inactive and overeats junk food? 

It’s true. The sugary foods we turn to during stressful times raise glucose levels.  Over time, that can leave the system inefficient at absorbing glucose and utilizing or "cleaning up" free insulin in the system. Supported research has been reported by the American Diabetes Association citing that, “Human studies have shown that stress can stimulate hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia...” (Feinglos, 1, et al.)

We’re seeing this correlation in females who over train, and pre-diabetics who don’t exercise. Usually this seems odd; but, whenever you eat high glycemic carbs or stress your body out with strenuous exercise, they both can raise sugars the same way. Inefficiency of glucose partitioning can lead to fat gain, increased muscle loss, fatigue, PCOS, and many other diseases down the road. (And not to mention not getting the most out of your dieting and training.) 

We recommend that all competitors, middle aged adults, and avid fitness goers should buy a glucose monitor and check their blood sugars exactly two hours after eating a balanced meal with some protein, fats, and about 20 grams of carbs in the afternoon consecutively over the course of 3 days to a week.  If your sugars consistently come back near 100 or above, it’s time for a glucose/insulin reset program using Mediterranean or Ketogenic dieting strategies for 6-10 weeks - depending on severity. 

Don’t wait for a 12 hour fasted glucose test from your doctor to tell you if you have an issue. Take charge of your health and get ahead of it before it’s a problem. We recommend you do this once a year to stay optimal and healthy for decades to come!

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Feinglos, Mark. Schneider, Mark. Surwit, Richard. “Stress and Diabetes Mellitus,” Diabetes Care, American Diabetes Association, 15 Oct 1992,

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