Why Are My Blood Sugars So High?

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Why Are My Blood Sugars So High?

by Kristen Smith, DPT


Did you know that you can have high blood sugars even if you aren’t a diabetic?


Yep, it’s true! Most people assume that only diabetics have blood sugar issues, but that’s just not the case. 


A lot of people don’t check their blood sugars, but our blood sugars can give us such an amazing look at how our body responds to stress, food, our hormone function, and overall health!

Here are some possible reasons WHY we might have high blood sugars:

  1. Cortisol levels (stress hormone)
  2. Poor liver function
  3. High glycemic index of the foods we eat
  4. Too much training
  5. Proportions of food
  6. Not recovering appropriately
  7. Toxins 
  8. Inflammation 
  9. Sex hormones (high estrogen &/or androgens)

Here is ONE thing you can start doing today to decrease your blood sugars...get just ONE extra hour of sleep per night. You’ll be surprised how much your blood sugars can come down!

Our coaches here at Nutrition Dynamic help clients closely monitor their blood sugar levels to get them functioning at their best. If you have questions about any of our programs, or are ready to get started working 1-on-1 with a coach, please get in touch with our team! We would love to help you on your health journey!

Kristen Smith, DPT, kristensmithdpt on Instagram

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