This past year + between being in lockdown, a civil rights movement, individuals losing their jobs, financial hardship, relationship hardship, etc., has really wreaked havoc on our lives and has certainly caused a lot of stress (as if we really needed more, right?!)
When I started getting panic attacks over a decade ago, I immediately was prescribed an anti-anxiety med alongside an antidepressant. My doctor told me that these episodes of intense fear were “normal” for a young, college-age women and that I would most likely need medication for the rest of my life.
Are there days that are heavier for you than others? Depression sets in, anxiety spikes. Maybe your symptoms are a bit more intense than this. Cardiovascular issues, abnormal blood clotting, seizures, numbness in your extremities? Maybe you’re just not feeling quite right but all of the doctors you have spoken to tell you that your labs are normal and to exercise more and get better rest. Surprise! You’re not alone.
Was it Hippocrates who said all disease begins in the gut?...
Well whoever it was, I think they were right. A strong and healthy digestive system is the foundation to overall health. But how do you know if your gut is healthy and strong? It’s not a simple answer.
Do you ever get back from vacay and feel like you need a vacay from the vacay? Yeah, I’ve been there.. you travel somewhere and your normal routine goes right out the window. It starts at the airport, celebrating the start of your trip and then you go too hard for the duration of the trip without the support your body needs. Eventually you arrive home feeling BEAT. Total amateur hour. Well I’m here to tell ya, if this resonates, you’re doing it wrong. I’m a big believer that traveling should be a part of any health and wellness regimen. Getting out of your routine and submerged in nature or a new culture is healing to the soul. It can be like a very boujee cortisol reset if you use the time wisely instead of running yourself into the ground. Here are my top 5 ways to travel like a pro so you arrive back better than when you left.